Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Making a Splash!

Wow! I cannot believe how quickly time is flying right now. This past weekend feels like almost a blur. We went to see my sister in Michigan and got to hang out with her beautiful family. I cannot wait to post pictures. Megan graciously is sending them to me as they are all on her camera. I couldn't believe I forgot mine.

One of my favorite things about hanging out with them was watching Hope and Marley play. Marley has the cutest little curls. Hope stared and stared then finally touched them. Much to Marley's annoyance. Marley is learning right from the start, you don't touch curls.

I was so touched/ convicted to watch Jim, my brother-in-law, with Tyler. Jim's quiet ways and listening ear were exacty what Ty needed. As I watched I realized I have a lot to learn about parenting. Jim just sat and listened to Tyler's endless conversations. Sometimes I lose patience and move on to what "needs" to be done failing to truly listen to my son. I felt like watching Jim with my son was God ordained. The need to be still and listen, to learn, to wonder with my children is so pressing and yet I miss it often.

Becca has a love affair with her Aunt Megan. She loves to follow her around and imitate her every move. I love that Megan always has time for her.

Thanks, Meg and Jim for a wonderful weekend. It was the respite we needed.

And now for the title. I was honored to be given the splash award by Meghan from The Daily Drama

The Splash Award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs.

When you receive this award you must: Put the logo on your blog/post. Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you. Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash Award.

So without further ado here are my nominations.

Amanda at I Am Mommy
Coloring Outside the Lines
Laura at The Bignell Family
Cari at To Bring Him Glory
Cristi at The Dehoff Circus
Jeri at Family Life with Us

Thanks, Meghan! I'm going to follow your example and not list nine blogs.


Amanda said...

Me??? Really??? I got an award??? That is so amazing!! THANK YOU sweet girl!!

You just bless me!

Thanks again!

Laura said...

WHAT? An award? Awwww, thank you!! I don't know if I know how to do all this linking stuff and getting the logo thing but I will try! :)

Thanks again Bethany, you are too sweet!


He & Me + 3 said...

Congrats on your award and Cute pictures. Glad you had a nice time with your BIL and sis.

Marley's Mama said...

We had a wonderful time having you here, Beth. It does your heart good to have family in your home when you're so far away from them. We truly look forward to your visits. I too am amazed when I listen to the conversations my husband has with small children. He just GETS them. He loves them. He thinks they're interesting. I do too, but in a totally different way. We love you very much, and you bless our hearts. (And the wonderful cooking you and Doug did blessed our tummies!)