Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Thoughts

Nothing like a sunny fall day and a parade to take your mind of sad happenings. We went to our local downtown on Saturday for the Fall Festival Parade. Really it's more like we went for the candy, because the parade is really pretty sad. (Don't tell the kids I said that.)

The fun of playing with my new camera more than made up for anything the parade lacked. And the kids had a blast. Hope even dropped her beloved paci once she realized it was candy being thrown

The bagpipers are one of the bright spots I always look forward to.

What can you really say about a man in a kilt. There's just something cool about that.

I must confess. I was getting a little proud about my ability to find my way around the settings on my camera. And then we walked down to the parade (only about a block) and I realized left my memory card at home. My sweet husband went back for it while I watched the kids. And then I couldn't remember how to get it out of monochrome. So there were many pictures I took that did not get recorded. That humble pie is served all too often 'round here. Thank God for my gracious man. Even if he doesn't wear a kilt.


Amanda said...

You are doing so FANTASTIC!!!! Those pictures are great! I get pretty full on humble pie as well these days... eh. Its not that bad. :)

I am so proud of you and your awesome pictures!

God bless-

He & Me + 3 said...

Those pictures look fabulous and i am glad you had a fun family day. I love kilts too:)

Laura said...

Awesome picture Bethany!! I love the one of Hope, she is such a sweetie!

My husband's best friend is Scottish and they all wore kilts for his wedding, it was great! I still remind Matt about the day he wore a skirt. :)