Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To My Sisters

I finally copied my pictures onto my computer from Mother's Day weekend. This was one of my favorites. My sisters and I haven't taken a picture together in several years. So, in honor of two of my favorite women....

Me and my sisters
Just us three.
We've walked roads together
That no one else can see.

Me and my sisters
We've shared a lot of life.
With only one bedroom
We shared a lot of strife.

Me and my sisters,
I'm glad God gave you to me.
We'll be together in the end,
Just you wait and see.

Love you both!!!

P.S. Thanks Amanda for the picnik tip! It made this picture MUCH better. I owe you.


Laura said...

What a great poem AND picture!! Sisters are awesome! :)

Amanda said...

How precious!!! Looks like sopme beautiful ladies spending some quality time together.

Many blessings to yoU!